Submission of declarations and reports in the event of a change in the management of the EOOD (LTD.)

In the event of a change in the manager of a limited liability company (LLC) registered in Bulgaria, the question arises from which moment the newly elected manager should be entered in the VAT and Intrastat declarations, in the company’s reports, etc.

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Exercising of labor activity and social security insuring of the owner and the manager of a limited liability company (Ltd.)

Bodies of the limited liability company (LTD.) in Bulgaria are a general meeting and a manager (managers), as the manager may not be a partner. The manager organizes and manages the activity of the company in accordance with the law and the general meeting’s decisions. The company is represented by the manager. Upon several managers each of them can act alone unless the Articles of association provides otherwise. In regard to the sole owner limited liability company (LTD.), the issues that are from the competence of the general meeting are decided by the sole owner of the company. The relations between the company and the manager are settled by a contract for assignment of the management. The contract is concluded in writing on behalf of the company through a person authorized by the general meeting of the partners or by the sole owner.

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Types of business in Bulgaria

The types of business organizations, most often used in Bulgaria are a Limited Liability Company (LTD/LLC), a Joint-Stock Company (JSC), a branch and a trade representation.

  1. Limited Liability Company (LLC/LTD)

It is the business type most popular among investors and entrepreneurs because of the minimum capital requirements, simplified structure and management. LLC can be established by one or more persons – individuals and/or legal entities. Shareholders in LLC may be Bulgarian and/or foreign individuals and/or legal entities. Continue reading “Types of business in Bulgaria”