Bulgarian Visa information guide

If you decide to travel to Bulgaria, kindly read our guide in order to acquire general information what is required.

At first, check whether a visa is required for your country.

Visa Regime for foreigners with ordinary passports for a short stay (until 90 days) – check the list.

Visa Regime for foreigners with diplomatic and service passports – check the list.

Visa types:

Visa A (for airport transit) – The airport transit visa entitles the foreigner to cross or to stay in the international transit zone of the airport in the case of a transit landing or of changing flights for the purpose of continuing travel to another state. Continue reading “Bulgarian Visa information guide”

Acquiring BG citizenship of a foreigner

I. Under Art. 13 of Bulgarian Citizenship Act

The person who is not Bulgarian citizen:

  • Must be an adult;
  • Has not been convicted of a crime by Bulgarian court or is not prosecuted for such a crime, unless rehabilitated;
  • Has an income or occupation that enables him to live in Bulgaria;
  • Is skillful at Bulgarian language;
  • Is released from present citizenship or will be released from it at the moment of acquiring Bulgarian citizenship – exception for spouses of BG citizens, citizens of EU-countries, other countries with which Bulgaria has a contract;

And  before no less than 3 years of the date of filing of naturalization application has been given permanent residence permit. Continue reading “Acquiring BG citizenship of a foreigner”

Permanent residence in Bulgaria

Permission for a permanent residence may receive aliens:

– of Bulgarian descent;

– who have resided legally and continuously on the territory of the country for a period of five years, five years after contracting a marriage with a foreigner permanent resident in Bulgaria;

– minor or underage children of a foreigner permanent resident in Bulgaria, who have not married;

– parents of a Bulgarian citizen, where they provide the said citizen with the child support due under the law and resided legally and constantly for a period of 3 years in the territory of the state;

– who have resided legally and without interruption on the territory of the country for a period of 5 years and for this period they have not been absent for more than 30 months; Continue reading “Permanent residence in Bulgaria”

Extended residence in Bulgaria

An extended residence permit may be granted to foreigners who possess a visa D (information below) and:

– wish to work under a contract of employment after obtaining a permit from the authorities of the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy;

– engage in commercial activities in Bulgaria according to the statutory procedure and at least ten jobs for Bulgarian citizens, maintained for the term of residence, have been created as a result of the said activities, unless otherwise agreed in an international treaty which has been ratified, promulgated and entered into force for the Republic of Bulgaria;

– are foreign specialists residing in Bulgaria by virtue of international treaties whereto the Republic of Bulgaria is a party;

– have grounds to be permitted permanent residence;

– are representatives of non-resident commercial corporations registered at the Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry; Continue reading “Extended residence in Bulgaria”