Branch of a foreign trader in Bulgaria

I. General provisions

In view of the tax advantages that Bulgaria provides for foreign investors, and taking into account the country’s membership in the European Union, one of the often preferred forms of commercial activity in Bulgaria by traders from other countries is the establishment of a branch of a foreign trader.

The registration of a branch of a foreign trader in Bulgaria does not lead to the creation of a new legal entity, but only to a territorially and organizationally separated part of it. The branch has its headquarters, object of activity, a person who manages it, workers, etc. However, the branch does not own separate property other than that of its principal. Continue reading “Branch of a foreign trader in Bulgaria”

Declaring an asset sold by a non-trading company

In the situation of a sale of a company asset (e.g. a car) in a reporting period during which no commercial activity has been carried out in Bulgaria by a company, the question arises whether this company can be defined as a person that has not carried out activity within the meaning of the Law on accounting and whether it should declare the amount of the sale of the asset.

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Tax treatment under the Corporate Income Tax Act in case of transfer of fixed assets to a place of business in Bulgaria

Foreign legal entities that carry out economic activity in Bulgaria through a place of economic activity, dispose of property in such a place of economic activity or receive income from a source in Bulgaria are taxable persons under the Corporate Income Tax Act and should form a tax financial result.

From 01.01.2020 in Bulgaria the rules for tax regulation are applied in case of transfers between a part of one enterprise located in the country and another part of the same enterprise located outside the country, which rules have been introduced in connection with the application of Directive (EU) 2016/1164 of the Council of 12 July 2016 laying down rules against tax avoidance practices which directly affect the functioning of the internal market (Directive 2016/1164).

Continue reading “Tax treatment under the Corporate Income Tax Act in case of transfer of fixed assets to a place of business in Bulgaria”

Are associations and foundations required to submit an annual corporate tax declaration?

Associations and foundations in Bulgaria as non-profit legal entities freely determine the means to achieve their goals. These legal entities are established to carry out non-profit activities, but they may carry out additional economic activity related to the subject of their main activity, using the income to achieve the goals specified in their statute or constitutive act.

Continue reading “Are associations and foundations required to submit an annual corporate tax declaration?”

Changes in the deadlines for filing annual tax returns (ATR) and for publishing annual financial statements (AFS)

From the beginning of 2021 in Bulgaria the deadline for filing annual tax returns (ATR) for corporate tax (until March 31) has been changed, and the new deadline is now from March 1 to June 30. The same applies to the deadline for payment of corporate tax, which has been changed by 3 months and is now until June 30.

The deadline for paying tax on expenses has also been changed by three months and is now until June 30.

The change in the deadlines optimizes the preparation of the annual tax returns of the companies and improves the process of annual accounting closing. Systematic and predictable consistency in the fulfillment of the obligations for declaring and submitting information to the National Revenue Agency is also achieved. Continue reading “Changes in the deadlines for filing annual tax returns (ATR) and for publishing annual financial statements (AFS)”

Types of business in Bulgaria

The types of business organizations, most often used in Bulgaria are a Limited Liability Company (LTD/LLC), a Joint-Stock Company (JSC), a branch and a trade representation.

  1. Limited Liability Company (LLC/LTD)

It is the business type most popular among investors and entrepreneurs because of the minimum capital requirements, simplified structure and management. LLC can be established by one or more persons – individuals and/or legal entities. Shareholders in LLC may be Bulgarian and/or foreign individuals and/or legal entities. Continue reading “Types of business in Bulgaria”