Deduction of tax credit for expenses for travel and business trips of the managers of a foreign company, incurred in connection with the activity of its branch in Bulgaria

When registering a branch of a foreign trader in Bulgaria, a question arises whether the expenses for travel and business trips of the managers of the foreign trader, which are reported in Bulgaria, are subject to tax credit deduction.

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Changes in the Bulgarian Commerce Act 2017

Significant changes in Bulgarian Commerce Act were adopted at the end of 2016, valid in the current year. We present below a summary of the most significant changes introduced with the present Act.

Validity form of certain documents is getting stricter

In addition to the current requirements for notary certified signatures on contracts for the transfer of commercial enterprise and contracts for the transfer of shares, a new requirement for additional notary authentication of the content of such contracts is introduced.

The same validity form will be required for the decisions of shareholders of limited liability companies for acceptance and exclusion of shareholders, increase and decrease of company’s capital, shares transfer to a new shareholder, appointment of company manager, acquisition and disposal of real estate and property rights thereto. Continue reading “Changes in the Bulgarian Commerce Act 2017”

Establish a FOREX company in Bulgaria

Global Consult Europe is a consulting agency specialized in international corporate law. We will provide you with all the necessary know-how on how to start your own Forex business. Thanks to our partners we can offer you a full range of services that include:

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Transport license in EU

Community license for international road haulage

Registration of transport company

How to get transport license in Bulgaria?

It is necessary to have a registered company (regardless of the legal form – LTD., JSC., etc.) and its scope of activity is specified for the carriage of goods against payment. Registration of company which carries out transport activity has its own peculiarities, therefore you can count on our qualified legal assistance in registration of transport company.

What documents are needed for Community license for international road haulage? Continue reading “Transport license in EU”

What should you know about the business name reservation in the commercial register?

  Business name (known as a firm) is the name under which the trader carries his occupation in Bulgaria and shall be signed. It must correspond to the truth, not be misleading and does not undermine public order and morality. Every firm has content prescribed by the law which may include indication of the sphere of activity, the persons involved and freely chosen supplement. The trader is obliged to write firm’s name in Bulgarian, as he could additionally inscribe it in a foreign language.

  The trader has an exclusive right over the firm. It can only be used by the trader who has made the registration. It can’t be identical or similar to a trade mark or earlier registered company. The firm can be changed upon request of the trader who has made the registration. Continue reading “What should you know about the business name reservation in the commercial register?”