Changes in the Bulgarian Commerce Act 2017

Significant changes in Bulgarian Commerce Act were adopted at the end of 2016, valid in the current year. We present below a summary of the most significant changes introduced with the present Act.

Validity form of certain documents is getting stricter

In addition to the current requirements for notary certified signatures on contracts for the transfer of commercial enterprise and contracts for the transfer of shares, a new requirement for additional notary authentication of the content of such contracts is introduced.

The same validity form will be required for the decisions of shareholders of limited liability companies for acceptance and exclusion of shareholders, increase and decrease of company’s capital, shares transfer to a new shareholder, appointment of company manager, acquisition and disposal of real estate and property rights thereto. Continue reading “Changes in the Bulgarian Commerce Act 2017”

Types of business in Bulgaria

The types of business organizations, most often used in Bulgaria are a Limited Liability Company (LTD/LLC), a Joint-Stock Company (JSC), a branch and a trade representation.

  1. Limited Liability Company (LLC/LTD)

It is the business type most popular among investors and entrepreneurs because of the minimum capital requirements, simplified structure and management. LLC can be established by one or more persons – individuals and/or legal entities. Shareholders in LLC may be Bulgarian and/or foreign individuals and/or legal entities. Continue reading “Types of business in Bulgaria”