Announcement of an annual financial report

What is an annual financial report?

The annual financial report gathers full information about the financial position of the company. It includes a statement for revenues and expenses, a balance sheet, a statement for share capital and a cash flow statement.

The financial report is drawn up for one financial year, coinciding with the calendar year – from January 1st to December 31st. E.g: If you have a company created on 01.12.2020, you need to submit a report on the activity carried out in 2020 – in this case only one month.

Who is obliged to announce an annual financial report?

All the traders according to the Bulgarian Commerce Act – this includes Limited Liability Companies (Ltd.), Limited Partnerships, General Partnerships, Joint-Stock Companies, Limited Partnerships with shares. The non-profit legal entities and the rest enterprises are also obliged. Continue reading “Announcement of an annual financial report”

Types of business in Bulgaria

The types of business organizations, most often used in Bulgaria are a Limited Liability Company (LTD/LLC), a Joint-Stock Company (JSC), a branch and a trade representation.

  1. Limited Liability Company (LLC/LTD)

It is the business type most popular among investors and entrepreneurs because of the minimum capital requirements, simplified structure and management. LLC can be established by one or more persons – individuals and/or legal entities. Shareholders in LLC may be Bulgarian and/or foreign individuals and/or legal entities. Continue reading “Types of business in Bulgaria”