MiFID License in Bulgaria

Bulgaria has proven to be the perfect jurisdiction for incorporating and running FX companies. This is due to its attractive tax regime, their EU Member Status, its implementation of Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFid), and a strong regulatory regime.

According to the Bulgarian legislation, only licensed and registered investment intermediaries can provide FX trading/investing services. This requires direct approval of the Financial Security Commission (FSC) in accordance with Markets in Financial Instruments Act. A few of these requirements are minimal capital investment as well as personal and professional guidelines in regards to the firm’s director.

Every FX brokerage firm licensed by the FSC falls under MiFID, the regulatory organizations for investment services across the 30 European Economic Area member-countries. As such, the ensuing license is valid across the EU, and allows FX brokerage firms to offer investment services, establish representative offices, and create fully-operational branches in any desired location within the European Union.

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Acquiring BG citizenship by investment

 I. Under Art. 12 of Bulgarian Citizenship Act

The physical person :

  1. Must be an adult;
  2. Before no less than 5 years has been given permit for permanent or long-term residence in Bulgaria;
  3. Has not been convicted of a crime by Bulgarian court or is not prosecuted for such a crime, unless rehabilitated;
  4. Has an income or occupation that enables him to live in Bulgaria;
  5. Is skillful at Bulgarian language;

Permit for long-term residence – requirements (LFRB art. 24, para 1, items 19, 20):

  • Visa D;
  • Investment of no less than 600 000 BGN or  investment in economically disadvantaged regions of no less than 250 000 BGN plus opened at least 5 workplaces for Bulgarian citizens;

Permit for permanent residence – requirements (LFRB art. 25, para 1, items 16, 17): Continue reading “Acquiring BG citizenship by investment”