I. Under Art. 12 of Bulgarian Citizenship Act
The physical person :
- Must be an adult;
- Before no less than 5 years has been given permit for permanent or long-term residence in Bulgaria;
- Has not been convicted of a crime by Bulgarian court or is not prosecuted for such a crime, unless rehabilitated;
- Has an income or occupation that enables him to live in Bulgaria;
- Is skillful at Bulgarian language;
Permit for long-term residence – requirements (LFRB art. 24, para 1, items 19, 20):
- Visa D;
- Investment of no less than 600 000 BGN or investment in economically disadvantaged regions of no less than 250 000 BGN plus opened at least 5 workplaces for Bulgarian citizens;
Permit for permanent residence – requirements (LFRB art. 25, para 1, items 16, 17): Continue reading “Acquiring BG citizenship by investment”