Foreign companies /legal entities/ may open accounts in Bulgarian banks following the relevant requirements. For the convenience of our clients we have made a summary of the documents that shall be presented before opening the account: Continue reading “Bulgarian bank account of a foreign company”
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Acquiring BG citizenship of a foreigner
I. Under Art. 13 of Bulgarian Citizenship Act
The person who is not Bulgarian citizen:
- Must be an adult;
- Has not been convicted of a crime by Bulgarian court or is not prosecuted for such a crime, unless rehabilitated;
- Has an income or occupation that enables him to live in Bulgaria;
- Is skillful at Bulgarian language;
- Is released from present citizenship or will be released from it at the moment of acquiring Bulgarian citizenship – exception for spouses of BG citizens, citizens of EU-countries, other countries with which Bulgaria has a contract;
And before no less than 3 years of the date of filing of naturalization application has been given permanent residence permit. Continue reading “Acquiring BG citizenship of a foreigner”
Permanent residence in Bulgaria
Permission for a permanent residence may receive aliens:
– of Bulgarian descent;
– who have resided legally and continuously on the territory of the country for a period of five years, five years after contracting a marriage with a foreigner permanent resident in Bulgaria;
– minor or underage children of a foreigner permanent resident in Bulgaria, who have not married;
– parents of a Bulgarian citizen, where they provide the said citizen with the child support due under the law and resided legally and constantly for a period of 3 years in the territory of the state;
– who have resided legally and without interruption on the territory of the country for a period of 5 years and for this period they have not been absent for more than 30 months; Continue reading “Permanent residence in Bulgaria”
Extended residence in Bulgaria
An extended residence permit may be granted to foreigners who possess a visa D (information below) and:
– wish to work under a contract of employment after obtaining a permit from the authorities of the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy;
– engage in commercial activities in Bulgaria according to the statutory procedure and at least ten jobs for Bulgarian citizens, maintained for the term of residence, have been created as a result of the said activities, unless otherwise agreed in an international treaty which has been ratified, promulgated and entered into force for the Republic of Bulgaria;
– are foreign specialists residing in Bulgaria by virtue of international treaties whereto the Republic of Bulgaria is a party;
– have grounds to be permitted permanent residence;
– are representatives of non-resident commercial corporations registered at the Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry; Continue reading “Extended residence in Bulgaria”
Acquiring BG citizenship by investment
I. Under Art. 12 of Bulgarian Citizenship Act
The physical person :
- Must be an adult;
- Before no less than 5 years has been given permit for permanent or long-term residence in Bulgaria;
- Has not been convicted of a crime by Bulgarian court or is not prosecuted for such a crime, unless rehabilitated;
- Has an income or occupation that enables him to live in Bulgaria;
- Is skillful at Bulgarian language;
Permit for long-term residence – requirements (LFRB art. 24, para 1, items 19, 20):
- Visa D;
- Investment of no less than 600 000 BGN or investment in economically disadvantaged regions of no less than 250 000 BGN plus opened at least 5 workplaces for Bulgarian citizens;
Permit for permanent residence – requirements (LFRB art. 25, para 1, items 16, 17): Continue reading “Acquiring BG citizenship by investment”
What should you know about the business name reservation in the commercial register?
Business name (known as a firm) is the name under which the trader carries his occupation in Bulgaria and shall be signed. It must correspond to the truth, not be misleading and does not undermine public order and morality. Every firm has content prescribed by the law which may include indication of the sphere of activity, the persons involved and freely chosen supplement. The trader is obliged to write firm’s name in Bulgarian, as he could additionally inscribe it in a foreign language.
The trader has an exclusive right over the firm. It can only be used by the trader who has made the registration. It can’t be identical or similar to a trade mark or earlier registered company. The firm can be changed upon request of the trader who has made the registration. Continue reading “What should you know about the business name reservation in the commercial register?”
How to make your business successful?
1. Purpose
Your business is not oriented to everything in order to be useful to all people. Decide on your niche – narrow your focus and choose your target group to which your activity is oriented.
2. Be different
If your competitors are pursuing the same approach, you do not do it. Set your business apart from the overcrowded market where so many of the advertised products look the same, as well as the ads. Be innovative, take risks and create something new and original which has not been done so far. Continue reading “How to make your business successful?”