Community license for international road haulage
Registration of transport company
How to get transport license in Bulgaria?
It is necessary to have a registered company (regardless of the legal form – LTD., JSC., etc.) and its scope of activity is specified for the carriage of goods against payment. Registration of company which carries out transport activity has its own peculiarities, therefore you can count on our qualified legal assistance in registration of transport company.
What documents are needed for Community license for international road haulage?
There are specific requirements for the head of the company’s activity:
– Certificate of conviction of the person who manages the transport activity – should not be convicted or deprived of the right to exercise transport activity;
– Certificate of professional competence, issued to the person who manages the transport activity – cannot manage more than two transport companies ;
– Contract for the appointment of the person who manages the transport activity;
Regarding the company itself must be submitted:
– Information for financial stability – it depends on how many vehicles will operate; For the first vehicle the company must have the equivalent in BGN of 9000 EUR and for each additional – the equivalent in BGN of 5000 EUR. Proof of financial stability can be achieved by deposition of the amount in the company’s capital, bank guarantee in Bulgarian bank or conclusion of insurance contract for a insured sum in the same amount.
– Notification to the National Revenue Agency;
– Declaration that the trader who applies for a license does not have an open procedure of bankruptcy;
– Declaration of existence of own or leased garage area with exactly specified address in Bulgaria;
The license shall be issued within 30 days of submission of the documents.
The transport license is not unlimited, it is issued for a period of 5 years. Renewal is possible before the expiry date.
The transport company must comply with the requirements of the law not only when applying for a license but also during the entire period while exercising transportation. Companies which perform carriage of goods without required license shall be subject to large fines.
The requirements for obtaining a license should be carefully observed, therefore Global Consult Europe advises you to contact our team of professionals.