Permission for a permanent residence may receive aliens:
– of Bulgarian descent;
– who have resided legally and continuously on the territory of the country for a period of five years, five years after contracting a marriage with a foreigner permanent resident in Bulgaria;
– minor or underage children of a foreigner permanent resident in Bulgaria, who have not married;
– parents of a Bulgarian citizen, where they provide the said citizen with the child support due under the law and resided legally and constantly for a period of 3 years in the territory of the state;
– who have resided legally and without interruption on the territory of the country for a period of 5 years and for this period they have not been absent for more than 30 months;
– who has invested more than 1 000 000 BGN or increased their investment with this size through the acquisition of:
а) shares in Bulgarian commercial companies, traded on a regulated Bulgarian market;
b) shares and treasury bonds and derivative instruments issued by the State or by municipalities, with a residual maturity not less than 6 months;
c) ownership rights over an isolated part of the property of a Bulgarian commercial company with more than 50 percent state or municipal participation in the capital;
d) shares or stocks owned by the state or municipalities in a Bulgarian commercial company;
e) Bulgarian intellectual property – objects of copyright and related to it rights, patent-protected inventions, utility models, trademarks, service marks and industrial design;
f) rights under concession contracts on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria;
– who have invested more than 1 000 000 BGN in a licensed credit institution in Bulgaria under a trust agreement for a period of at least five year, and the deposit is not used, with reference to for the same period, for securing of other cash credits from a credit institution in Bulgaria;
– who has invested in the capital of a Bulgarian commercial company, which shares are not traded on a regulated market, an amount not less than 6 000 000 BGN;
– who are not persons of Bulgarian descent born within the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria, have lost the Bulgarian citizenship thereof under emigration agreements or at their own will, and wish to settle lastingly within the territory of Bulgaria;
– who entered, resided, or were born within the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria prior to the 27th day of December 1998, and whose parent has contracted a civil marriage with a Bulgarian citizen;
– members of the family of a Bulgarian citizen if they have resided without interruption on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria in the last five years;
– who have entered before 27 December 1989, resided and have not left the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria, or have been born on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria and have not been recognized as citizens of the former Soviet Republics; for this category of persons Visa D does not apply;
– who carry out activities and are certified under the Investment Promotion Act,;
– who are children under 18 years of age, born and abandoned by their parents – foreign citizens – on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria, and who are placed in institution or another alternative social service of residential type as a protection measure;
– who are children under 18 years of age, abandoned by their parents – foreign citizens – on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria, and who are placed in institution or another alternative social service of residential type as a protection measure.
– have made an investment in the country by contribution to the capital of a Bulgarian trade company of not less than BGN 500 000, where the foreign citizen is an associate or shareholder with registered shares and owns not less than 50 percent of the company’s capital, and as a result of the investment new long-term tangible and intangible assets have been acquired to the amount of not less than BGN 500 000 and at least 10 job positions for Bulgarian citizens have been opened and maintained during the residence period;
– who were granted permission for long stay under art. 24, (1), item 19 and 20 and who maintained the investment over five years.