Extended residence in Bulgaria

extended residence Bulgaria

An extended residence permit may be granted to foreigners who possess a visa D (information below) and:

– wish to work under a contract of employment after obtaining a permit from the authorities of the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy;

– engage in commercial activities in Bulgaria according to the statutory procedure and at least ten jobs for Bulgarian citizens, maintained for the term of residence, have been created as a result of the said activities, unless otherwise agreed in an international treaty which has been ratified, promulgated and entered into force for the Republic of Bulgaria;

– are foreign specialists residing in Bulgaria by virtue of international treaties whereto the Republic of Bulgaria is a party;

– have grounds to be permitted permanent residence;

– are representatives of non-resident commercial corporations registered at the Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry;

– are financially self-supporting parents of foreigner permanent residents in Bulgaria or of a Bulgarian citizen;

– have been admitted for long-term treatment to a medical-treatment facility and possess means to pay for such treatment and to subsist;

– are foreign mass-media correspondents who are accredited to the Republic of Bulgaria;

– possess a pension entitlement under the legislation of Bulgaria, the state of origin or another state and means to subsist in Bulgaria;

– are members of the family of a foreigner who has been granted an extended or permanent residence permit;

– are the parents of a foreigner or are de facto cohabitees of a foreigner who has been granted an extended residence permit;

– wish to work on a freelance basis after obtaining a permit from the authorities of the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy;

– wish to perform non-profit activities after obtaining a permission from the Ministry of Justice under terms and according to a procedure established by an ordinance of the Minister of Justice in consultation with the Minister of Interior and with the Chairperson of the State Agency for National Security;

– have been granted a special protection status under Article 25 of the Combating Trafficking in Human Beings Act;

– are members of the family of a Bulgarian citizen;

– have invested a sum not less than BGN 600 000 – per each foreign citizen for acquisition of ownership right on immovable property on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria, or the foreign citizen owns more than 50 percent of the capital of a Bulgarian trade company, has invested the same amount in the company’s capital and as a result of this the company has acquired ownership right on immovable property in the country to that amount; as of the date of filing of application for long-term residence permit the foreign citizen or legal person must have paid in the whole amount, which must have been received to a bank account in a licensed credit institution, and in case the immovable properties have been acquired through loans, the unpaid amount of such loans shall not exceed 25 percent;

– have made investments in economically disadvantaged areas within the meaning of the Investment Promotion Act by contribution to the capital of a Bulgarian trade company of not less than BGN 250 000, where the foreign citizen is an associate or shareholder with registered shares and owns not less than 50 percent of the company’s capital, and as a result of such investment new long-term tangible and intangible assets have been acquired to the amount of not less than BGN 250 000 and at least 5 job positions for Bulgarian citizens have been opened and maintained during the residence period which fact shall be certified by the Ministry of Economy, Energy and Tourism.

To receive an extended residence permit the persons must have accommodation, mandatory health insurance, subsistence means with no need to use the social assistance system, to the amount not less than the minimal monthly salary, the minimal scholarship or pension under the Bulgarian legislation, for the term of stay. At lodging their first residence permit application, the persons over the age of 18 submit a conviction certificate issued by the state whose citizens they are or by the state of their habitual residence.

A long-stay visa is issued to a foreigner who wishes to settle for a long term or permanently in the Republic of Bulgaria.
A long-stay visa of up to 6 months and a right to stay of up to 180 days is issued to foreigners who wish to settle for a long term or permanently in the Republic of Bulgaria. A long-stay visa with a validity term of up to one year and a right to stay up to 360 days may be issued to foreigners who perform science research or are students under tuition programmes for up to one year, post-graduate or trainee students, foreigners sent on assignment by a foreign employer for the performance of specific tasks, related to control and coordination of a tourist services contract as well as foreigners sent on assignment by a foreign employer for implementing investments.
The long-stay visa entitles the holder to multiple entries in the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria within its validity term.
Documents to be presented by the applicant:
• Visa application form
• A regular foreign travel document
• Copies of the pages of the foreign travel document with the personal information and the visas laid and/or copies of the permits for stay possessed
• Recent passport-size color photograph
• Original documents and two copies thereof substantiating the application for a longstay visa under the Foreigners in the Republic of Bulgaria Act and the Regulation on its implementation, and of the financial resources possessed for subsistence and accommodation.
In order to obtain long-stay permission the person should have a home, obligatory health insurance, sufficient subsistence means, without resorting to the social assistance system, amounting to at least the minimum monthly wage or the minimum pension according to Bulgarian law for the period of stay. On the initial application for permission for stay the persons who are over the age of 18, with the exception of the stateless persons, shall present a previous convictions certificate issued by the state whose citizens are or by the state of their customary residence.

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