What should you know about the business name reservation in the commercial register?

business name Bulgaria

  Business name (known as a firm) is the name under which the trader carries his occupation in Bulgaria and shall be signed. It must correspond to the truth, not be misleading and does not undermine public order and morality. Every firm has content prescribed by the law which may include indication of the sphere of activity, the persons involved and freely chosen supplement. The trader is obliged to write firm’s name in Bulgarian, as he could additionally inscribe it in a foreign language.

  The trader has an exclusive right over the firm. It can only be used by the trader who has made the registration. It can’t be identical or similar to a trade mark or earlier registered company. The firm can be changed upon request of the trader who has made the registration.

  Firm’s name reservation shall have effect for six months and prevents another trader to be entered in the commercial register under the same firm. The reserved firm cannot be estranged and transferred.

  Everyone can reserve a firm before submitting the application for registration but the trader must be entered in the commercial register within six months.

  Required documents :

  • Application for firm’s reservation;
  • A document certifying the representative authority of the applicant (when the application is submitted by a representative of the person concerned);
  • A document for paid state fee.

  You can check whether the chosen name is unique and does not repeat another already registered on the website of the Commercial Register – www.brra.bg. Using the English version, you should select section “References”, then “Rights over company”. In the field “Business name” you are typing the name of the company you wish to register. If an inscription in red “No results found” appears, this means that probably the name is available and can be used.

  To be completely sure that the name is free, you need to check also Bulstat Register. Since the access to it is limited and requires payment, Global Consult Europe can perform this check for you.

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